Great food at even greater prices
Discover fantastic deals of up to 50% off on surprise boxes from your local eateries such as cafes, restaurants, bakeries, and supermarkets.
Up to 50% off
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Benefits & Features
Why use Platable?
Let us take a moment to explore the numerous advantages and features that Platable brings to the table.
Up to 50% off

Save Money on Quality Food

Our platform provides high-quality, fresh food at lower prices, with discounts of up to 50 percent.

Up to 50% off

Be More Sustainable

By using our app, you support sustainability and make a positive impact on the environment.

Up to 50% off

Support Local Eateries

When you buy through our platform, you're supporting local restaurants, cafes, and bakeries.

Up to 50% off

Find Deals Near You Easily

Our user-friendly app lets you find surprise bags of fresh items from local spots, ready for pickup at the store.

How It Works
Discover how easy it is to enjoy fresh, delicious meals at discounted prices.

Step 1

Browse the restaurants, cafés, bakeries near you

Explore nearby cafés, restaurants, and supermarkets for discounted meal options. Easily view store locations, browse available items, and select the best deals near you.

How it works

Step 2

Reserve a surprise box

Select and reserve a surprise box filled with fresh, delicious food. Don't worry if you're a vegetarian; the app will inform you whether the contents are vegetarian or non-vegetarian before you reserve.

How it works

Step 3

Pickup your order

Head to the store at the specified time to pick up your order. Enjoy your meal, knowing you've got great food at an amazing price. Afterward, please share your thoughts. Your feedback helps us improve.

How it works
Help us make a difference!
We partner with local charities, non-profits, and government agencies in the region. By purchasing a Platable box and saving a meal, you can contribute to supporting the local community.We collaborate closely with authorities to ensure that each meal purchased helps feed someone in need.
Make a difference
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TotalAED 0.00
Find quick answers to common queries about our platform.
A surprise box is usually a package containing a variety of items, often bakery goods, snacks, appetizers or anything that is remaining from a store's excess inventory after the day is over. Sometimes we know more about what these items might be so check the app for more details.
You can pickup the Surprise Box after you pay and reserve the item. The store provides time windows for you to pick up the Surprise Box. You can check the app for more details.
Stores have excess inventory for a variety of reasons - sometimes things are seasonal, sometimes it's hard to forecast demand. Whatever the case may be, stores would rather sell these items at a discount than throw them away. This is where Platable comes in - we help stores sell these items to you at a significant discount.
Platable is a great way to save money on food and help reduce food waste. You can get great deals on food items that would otherwise be thrown away. Plus, you get to try new things and support local businesses.

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